Alternative Women #1

This is the cover of Parenting magazine.  I see this as a different way to view a woman because she is not glamorized in the typical fashion with loads of makeup and other beautifying products.  While she no doubt has them on, this ad is not promoting them.  This ad is about raising a kid and and still have a life outside of this full time job.  This is also showing that parenting comes before beauty.  You have a child to take care of and while beauty should not be forgotten you have to have your priorities straight.

One Response to “Alternative Women #1”

  1. krysta Says:

    This is a great example, and way to express that there is a lot more things that women should be focused on, rather than just their appearance. I like the idea that although its great to look good, its even better to put your family first. Also, the fact that she can be dressed modestly but still show strength and beauty. It is interesting to read what males have to say on this topic.

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